Daily Mental Health Moments
Calm your mind. Move your body. Find your people.
Calm your mind. Move your body. Find your people.
Full schedules, long work days and the sheer exhaustion of being a human, can move self-care to the bottom of the list most days. But as it turns out, it only takes a few minutes a day to invest in our mental health. Let’s explore the parts of our lives that need nurturing.
Our inner world.
Our emotional and spiritual health are main characters in our mental health. Big shifts and big feelings — both positive and negative — drain our energy and impact our internal balance. We need to be gentle with ourselves every day but especially when we transition to new phases of life like a new job, a big move or a new relationship. Here are a few simple self-care moments we love to calm our mind.
Walk away from your computer or phone. It will all be there when you get back, promise!
Journal to process and acknowledge the emotions of the day. What we don’t process, stays trapped inside us. Let it out.
Go for a walk and let your mind wander. Our minds need time to sort through all we take in each day. [ Try our Music to Wander To Playlist]
Listen to a guided meditation. Louder than silent meditation but equally as effective.
Develop a daily spiritual practice. Think watching the sunset, dancing in the grass, prayer, whatever takes you beyond yourself.
Go to therapy. [Try a therapy app to get started]
Our outer world.
Our physical health and mental health are directly linked to each other, which means when one falters, the other follows. Meeting the physical needs of our body each day is key to successful mental health. Here are a few simple self-care moments we love to care for our body.
Get plenty of sleep. And nap when you need it!
Eat a balanced diet. Chocolate falls in our balanced category.
Drink lots of water. Hydration is key! [And here’s why…]
Move your body. Go for a walk, dance, stretch, or skip…allow yourself to play.
Go outside and get some fresh air. Just 10 minutes a day in nature will have an impact.
Put on an outfit that makes you feel like an empowered human. Dress for the part you want, right?!
Our social world.
Community is another important factor of mental health. From friends to family to partners to coworkers, the health of our relationships and the time we invest in them can play a big part in how we feel about ourselves. Toxic people drain our energy leaving us depleted and exhausted. So we need to build a community of healthy people who cheer us on, inspire us and help us heal and grow into the best version of ourselves. Here are a few simple self-care moments we love to find our people and build community.
Have standing dates with people who fill you up. Feeling seen and heard regularly will change your life!
Turn your phone off when you’re with a group. Pretend you’re all on a flight together!
Spend time outside with friends. Have a picnic, ride bikes, people watch.
Take a class to meet people with similar interests. Cooking, dance, ceramics…go find your people.
Remove yourself from unhealthy relationships. Never easy but a true game changer.
Start a group chat. Sometimes you just need an outlet to share.
Volunteer somewhere. You never know who you’ll meet, or impact.
Have an adventure in your city. We’ve been at home for two years, go explore!
Make time to support your mental health every day. Slow down, feel all your feelings, drink water, take naps and spend time with people who energize you. For daily and monthly reminders that you are worthy and loved, follow us @femalecollective.